Save smog city 2 from particle pollution answers

Which type of emission has the greatest affect on air quality. Once smog city 2 loads to your computer, take note of the areas of smog city, including weather conditions, emissions levels and population. Smog city is an interactive air pollution simulator that demonstrates how personal choices, environmental factors, and land use can contribute to air pollution. The biggest culprits are coal burning power plants and motor vehicles.

At the bottom right of the smog city 2 experience, you will see an air quality. Using an interactive air pollution simulator to control the air quality in smog city 2, you can see how individual choices, environmental factors, and different types of land use affect air pollution. Save smog city 2 from particle pollution student worksheet 1. How does temperature affect the level of smog in the city. Save smog city 2 from particle pollution student worksheet. Tell students to access the smog city 2 web site at. Smog city is a hypothetical city with current emission factors and weather conditions causing particle pollution levels to reach unhealthy levels and the air quality index is red. Electric cars are not the answer to air pollution, says.

While using the smog city application, the user is in control so the visit can be a healthy or unhealthy experience. States was able to reduce pollutants and save lives. Ozone forms naturally in the upper atmosphere surrounding the earth and protects life from the damaging ultraviolet light emitted by the sun. View notes week 3 assignment 1 from crt 205 at aup. Wood smoke in some new hampshire valley communities and locations near some high emitting residential sources increases exposure to particle pollution, including particles smaller than 2. Rebecca mcnutt some of the names were just chosen at random, but a lot of the characters have names that mean something to fit their personality. Conclusion students should be able to correctly answer the following questions on an. Answer key to the smog city activity where students adjust conditions in a virtual. What type of air occurs when weather systems are calm, that helps smog form. Amanda mandy meansmore some of the names were just chosen at random, but a lot of the characters have names that mean something to fit their personality. Smog city2 interactive air pollution simulator exit airnow. You will be manipulating the variables to discover the answers to the following questions. Extra activitiesproblems gustavus adolphus college. Choose save smog city 2 from ozone or save smog city 2 from particles.

Particle pollution is commonly found in wood smoke. By manipulating 10 different types of controls in three categories, you can either create a very airfriendly city, or a toxic dump. In smog city youre in control so your visit can be a healthy or unhealthy experience depending on the decisions you make. The word was then intended to refer to what was sometimes known as pea soup fog, a familiar and serious problem in london from the 19th century to the mid20th century. Then have the class minimize the instructions box at the top right of the screen and ignore the information box at the bottom of the screen.

Groundlevel ozone is the key ingredient of urban smog. Once smog city 2 loads to your computer, take note of the areas of smog city 2, including weather conditions, emissions levels and population. What type of air occurs when weather systems are calm. Electric cars are not the answer to air pollution, says top uk adviser. Air pollution learning module department of atmospheric sciences. Moosajee was excited to spend more time with her grandchildren and lead an active life in the city. Air pollution is caused by harmful manmade and natural substances being introduced into the earths atmosphere. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

Sep 04, 2008 why is air pollution a danger to the environment. Would you expect there to be more smog on a cloudy. Smog episodes, fine particulate pollution and mortality in china. Airnow aqi toolkit for teachers air quality partnership. You will be manipulating the variables to discover the answers to the following. Minimize the save smog city 2 from particle pollution. Apr 20, 2016 these are the most polluted cities in the u. Change the settings in smog city and notice the effects that those changes have on the amount of smog the city produces and the air quality. The smog was so thick that the city had to shut down roads, railways, and the airport. Smog city ozone, smog city, particle pollution, and create your own experience. At ground level, the same ozone is harmful to living things. Electric vehicles emit no no2 but do produce small particle pollution from.

After opening the page, click on the link run smog city. Smog is one type of outdoor air pollution that can cause particular problems for people with. When we think of air pollution today, we think of cities like beijing. You will be manipulating the variables to discover the answers to the following air speed little windmill. Four things kids can do 31 grades 35 33 key messages 35 lesson plans 37 the ozone between us 39 the cilia game 45 traffic tally 53 trapping air pollution. Furniture stuffing paneling board, particle board, and foam insulation may be sources of. Indias tata motors has the car under production and it may be on sale in europe and. In smog city 2 you are in charge so whether your visit is a healthy or unhealthy experience depends on the decisions that you make. Smog city 2 from particle pollution essay 1024 words. How to save yourself from smog and air pollution youtube. Unesco eolss sample chapters environmental and ecological chemistry vol. Mar 09, 2006 save smog city 2 from particle pollution student worksheet 1. The gray smog of older industrial cities like london and new york derives from the massive combustion of coal and fuel oil in or near the city, releasing tons of ashes, soot, and sulfur compounds into the air. Smog city is a game where you get to control the pollution levels in a city.

Improvements in energy efficiency could save up to 43% of the energy used in the united states. Smog episodes, fine particulate pollution and mortality in. Indias own smog tower may help combat air pollution indias own smog tower may help combat air pollution the city cleaner will have the capacity to clean 32 million cubic metres. Record what happens on the student worksheet in the table below. Frederick encyclopedia of life support systems eolss smog is.

Some research suggests that outdoor air pollution, mostly in the form of fine particle pollution, contributes to the deaths of approximately 200,000 americans every year. Once the save smog city 2 from particle pollution page opens, scroll to the bottom of the text box at the top of the lab page and download and complete the student worksheet pdf. How do the factors controlling particle pollution differ from those controlling ozone. You will need to copy and paste the questions into a word document in order to record and save your answers. Smog city is a java applet that runs in your microsoft internet explorer or netscape navigator browser. To answer each question adjust the one of the controls available, take note of the effect, then restore the settings to. You need to upgrade your flash player to view smog city 2. Then change emission factors and weather conditions to reduce the aqi. To answer each question adjust the one of the controls available, take note of the effect, then restore the settings to default before moving to the next question.

When you get to the smog city 2 homepage, click on the save smog city 2 from particle pollution link in the white cloud located in the bottom lefthand corner of the page. What type of air occurs when weather systems are calm, that. Once smog city 2 loads to your computer, take note of the areas of smog city, including weather conditions, emissions levels and. Air pollution deaths run into the millions every year but according to reports by the world health organisation, more deaths are linked to indoor sources of air pollution than to outdoor sources. In recent years, serious city smog has appeared in large areas in china for. How about the worlds cleanest car bbc news is reporting that a french company has developed a pollutionfree car which runs on compressed air. The save smog city 2 from particle pollution page may take a few minutes to load, so please be patient. Smog city is an interactive air pollution simulator that shows how your choices, environmental factors, and land use contribute to air pollution. True to its name, it has routinely exceeded federal air quality standards, and the city must take immediate steps to improve air quality. Select and click on run smog city from the leftside navigation bar. There are six variables you can manipulate in the simulation. The word smog was coined in the early 20th century, and is a contraction portmanteau of the words smoke and fog to refer to smoky fog. Children are most at risk from exposure to ozone because they are often active outside during the summer and their lungs are not fully developed. On your paper, take notes about what the various condition changes do to the aqi.

Home visitors tour guide about the site who we are download smog city 2 links help. Electric cars are not the answer to air pollution, says top. More than 4,000 people died from respiratory ailments as a result. Provide an explanation for your answers to the previous two questions. Once smog city loads to your computer, take note of the following areas of smog city, including weather condition, population level, and emissions levels.

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